Paul Geelen – Untitled (wingman)

Opening: 5-6 September, 16-21 hrs
On view until 11 October 2020, Thursday-Sunday, 14-18 hrs (On 9-10-11 October 2020 the presentation will be open from 12-18 hrs)

Untitled (wingman), 2020
Solid cast urethane in acrylic dustcover
45 × 35 × 8,5 cm

“Real. Easy. Taking the hassle out the hustle.”

Part of The Nullities Series (2010 – ongoing):

The Nullities Series, is conceived from the tensions and discomfort of a ‘Creative Block’ and captures this frozen moment in a series of specific objects of no return.

What they all have in common is that their presence and intrinsic values easily disappear from sight. Not only because of their scale, but also in the essence of their original function, habitat or their (temporary) status, which directly refers to a particular use or behaviour, a duration of interaction and their disposable characters.

Caught in its dualistic approach and connotation of ‘self-control vs. sabotage’, The Nullities Series endeavours to centralise and transform this ironic moment – against oneself – into a fruitful clash between retrospect, confrontation and new hope.

Manmade solutions or Tool-beings: offered as a device, symbol or gesture that can give direction to a more or less recognizable context. Often hidden, but when noticed, embedded in decisive moments of existence.

A range of holistic conditions that present themselves as a fragmented whole. Open to interpretation in a transitory state and in discourse with the added subtexts – pointing towards the (poetic) gaps between the individual works from this growing series.

The P/////AKTSALON  is a new club/reading room dedicated to publications, artist books, editions and small works by P/////AKT alumni artists (and beyond). These materials give form to P/////AKT library and collection. The room is also a space that hosts small book presentations in conjunctions with openings and events at P/////AKT.



For the time being we will follow the protocol for cultural spaces and kindly request you to do the same. Please consider the following before and during your visit;

  • Refrain from visiting when you are experiencing (minor) health issues such as a head cold, a runny nose, a cough, a sore throat, a raised temperature or fever and/or shortness of breath;
  • 15 visitors are allowed inside the space at the same time. By visitors in this case we mean individuals, couples, roommates and small families of two or three people;
  • You are required to always keep a minimum distance of 1,5 meters from other visitors and staff;
  • Wearing a face mask is recommended;
  • For visiting the toilet and/or S/////ALON we require you to thoroughly clean your hands upon entering and leaving with the provided soap/disinfectant. We will make sure that all door handles and such will be properly cleaned after each visit;
  • Hand-outs, sadly, cannot be left behind for reuse. Please take them with you or dispose of them in the designated bin

In general we think it will not be necessary to make a reservation, so do feel free to drop by during the announced opening hours. However, we would appreciate it if you’d announce your visit through Facebook (pm) or email ( Upon entering we will ask you to provide us with a phone number and/or email adres in case we need to communicate any contaminations connected to our space.
