For this edition of the P//////AKTPOOL, Laura Hogeweg (Maastricht Academy of Fine Arts 2019) and
David Grønlykke (Gerrit Rietveld Academie Amsterdam 2019) are presenting a duo project that marks Hogeweg’s last presentation and Grønlykke’s first one in our tower-annex space.
“Huber, Or was he Hugo, he picked me for picknick. a leaf’s not brown, a loaf is not I’m telling you, he chirped. he she it picknicketh, smitten smit, I pick it. Heather hath, or Hester has, her toddler in the pool. the yank ‘s potential but for what? A cherub, nothing more than it. puh, the piss artist! Are ye blushing? are ye ah? wizzer! puker! brat! I’m saying you it’s fake, it’s all fakes, Yup yapping chitchatter, Chin chin! pinch me, am I rot! ‘hackneyed’ or ‘hackney eyed’ come on what’s the difference? temper flips, saliva slips, Fennel prompted, fumble wrapped, soup or curry, I don’t mind it ‘long as it’s brownish. Hear up! Hear up! the toddler speaks, nibbles at the thing. ‘Kelps jell, yeller, yell..’ Spiller! Yanker! Yikes, the hours good for nought and null, ‘splain me did I shlurp, I smack? Sting me if I did!’ A flim, a dim duvet with sweat, Poulet drips the fella’s chin, who’s a good boy, Yes you are, Hägar! was it helmer? His gridlock chum, his doobie gum. Sips the filling, stains the mouth, spitter yanker, yee! ‘..Yella, yelp, jenner, gel’ he lisps and grapples at the words but he cannot say them. it’s too funny. Pardon me, I’m not him, wish I was but no. Sue me hella, do me in, spray me if you will. Tears on tears, tans on tans, who is first to crack? Come ease, come out, come see, come sketch me out, I’m done.” – text by Niklas Büscher
For the time being we will follow the protocol for cultural spaces and kindly request you to do the same. Please consider the following before and during your visit;
- Refrain from visiting when you are experiencing (minor) health issues such as a head cold, a runny nose, a cough, a sore throat, a raised temperature or fever and/or shortness of breath;
- 15 visitors are allowed inside the space at the same time. By visitors in this case we mean individuals, couples, roommates and small families of two or three people;
- You are required to always keep a minimum distance of 1,5 meters from other visitors and staff;
- Wearing a face mask is recommended;
- For visiting the toilet and/or S/////ALON we require you to thoroughly clean your hands upon entering and leaving with the provided soap/disinfectant. We will make sure that all door handles and such will be properly cleaned after each visit;
- Hand-outs, sadly, cannot be left behind for reuse. Please take them with you or dispose of them in the designated bin
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