Kunstvlaai: Riet Wijnen – The Registry of Pseudonyms

Opening Wednesday May 21, 18 – 22 hrs
May 21 – May 25, 2014

For Kunstvlaai 2014, a multi-day celebration of art(ist-run) initiatives in the Amstelpark, Riet Wijnen made a billboard with an advertisement for The Registry of Pseudonyms, an ongoing accumulation of pseudonyms on the website registryofpseudonyms.com. In addition to being a listing of aliases and the ‘real’ names behind them, this registry also unveils some of the reasons behind the concealment of a name; telling the stories of who is who and why who is who.

Simultaneously with the opening of Kunstvlaai a new selection of pseudonyms will go online, pseudonyms related to ‘billboards’ in the broadest sense of the word. Besides turning the registry into a research tool itself, it examines the relation between pseudonyms and billboards, between displaying, hiding and showing off.
