Daniel Vom Kellers’ works frequently refer to architectural elements and materials, although extracted from their original context mainly seem to question their appearance. Deriving from an ongoing investigation into the urban, manmade environment, Vom Keller accumulates the generic visual language of our contemporary constructed surroundings. The tension between urban planning and organically grown landscapes becomes apparent in his works that infallibly copy techniques used for outdoor design imitating natural structures.
The approach of the surface is of great importance in Daniel Vom Kellers’ work. Meticulously covering his sculptures in bathroom tiles for instance, he draws attention to the façade of residential environments, extracting day-to-day materials from its habitat like a freeze frame. He invites the viewer to take a peek behind the scenes by turning materials inside out, revealing their artificiality, preserving their characteristics and making them inert.
For his exhibition at P//////AKT Vom Keller has produced a new series of works that make full use of the space and have resulted in a room-filling installation, distinguished by a fair amount of absurdity and a sensible approach to the tactility of its subjects.
P/////AKT invited Kunstlicht to moderate their exhibition series Perpetual Precedents. On that account, three artists and writers, Artun Alaska Arasli, Marianna Maruyama and Bart Verbunt, were asked to write a text on all four exhibitions in the series, Daniel Vom Keller’s solo exhibition Rear Views being the first in line. Download as .pdf.
Thanks to VSBfonds, Stadsdeel Oost, Gemeente Amsterdam and Stichting Stokroos. The production of new works is supported by Outset Netherlands.