Lisa Sudhibhasilp – Go to the hardware store and have a museum experience – act 3/3

Opening: Saturday 6 May, 20-24 hrs
7 May – 4 June 2017
Thu-Sun, 14-18 hrs


We are looking at things, they are looking at us. Plaster casts/
Architecture is on display.
The third act as a resolution. Arrangement and agreement/
Could architecture be a display?
       Since artworks begin with shopping,
Commodities are the new material.

Lisa Sudhibhasilp‘s three-staged script for P//////AKT sets out to investigate, and perhaps even emphasise, the structures underlying presentation and the extent to which the boundaries between intent and experience, art and display, might dissolve. While the first and the second acts dealt with notions of stage and backstage and the question of (material) value, in her third and last act for the P/////AKTPOOL she will investigate different ways of looking at architecture as a display.




We are looking at things, they are looking at us. Plaster casts/
Architecture is on display.
The third act as a resolution. Arrangement and agreement/
Could architecture be a display?
       Since artworks begin with shopping,
Commodities are the new material.

Met haar script-in-drie-bedrijven voor P/////AKT onderzoekt, of benadrukt, Lisa Sudhibhasilp de structuren die aan het presenteren ten grondslag liggen en de mate waarin de grenzen tussen intentie en ervaring, kunst en display opgeheven kunnen worden. Waar de eerste en tweede actes respectievelijk ingingen op stage en backstage en het vraagstuk van (materële) waarde, onderzoekt ze met haar derde en laatste acte voor de P//////AKTPOOL verschillende manieren om architectuur als display te beschouwen.
